
Sourcing & Procurement

Unleashing Creative Possibilities

At TM International, our talented and dedicated in-house creative team is fully committed to serving you. With our expertise, we guarantee that your logo, packaging, or products will truly stand out from the crowd, leaving a lasting impression.

Product Development

Your logo plays a vital role in representing your company's identity. It serves as the initial point of contact for prospects, making it crucial to establish an emotional connection. Our team is here to assist you in designing the perfect representation of your brand, ensuring that it resonates with customers and leaves a memorable impact.

Packaging Design

In a competitive market, packaging can make all the difference, especially for new products. It is essential to create packaging that catches the eye while also adhering to international compliance laws. Let us guide you in developing the ideal packaging solution that combines visual appeal with legal requirements, giving your product a competitive edge.


We are ready to help!